The film The Sapphires is about four Aboriginal women who are dicovered by a music scout and then travel to Vietnam in 1968 to perform for troops. This movie is based on a true story and shows insight to how some Indigenous women felt. At the start of the movie two of the girls went into a singing competition and were amazing, all of the acts before them were atrosious. The atmosphere was hostile as the girls entered and even though they sang amazingly it was still a white person who won. One of the girls from The Sapphires was taken away when she was younger as apart of the Stolen Generation. At first when two of the Indigenous sisters came to see her she pretended not to know them infront of her white friends, they all thought she was white herself. Later in the movie she apologises, she embraces her culture again. I wonder if back in those days the children taken from the Stolen Generation were taught to be embarressed by who they are and to ignore that side of them?
I think its amazing what these women set out to do, they went for their dreams ignoring all odds. They truly are inspiring.